RECONNECT: Eastercon Belfast!
April 18 @ 09:00 – April 21 @ 17:00 UTC
For the first time in its 88 year history, the British National Science Fiction Convention is coming to Northern Ireland!
18th-21st April 2025 – Belfast ICC
Come And Join Us This Easter To Celebrate All Things Science Fiction & Fantasy
Guest of Honour;
Lauren Beukes
Derek Landy
Ian McDonald
Jeannette Ng
Rebecca Roanhorse
Will Simpson
Eastercon is the annual British science fiction convention that takes place every Easter weekend. Run by volunteers for all those who love Science Fiction and Fantasy, it features panels, workshops, talks, an art show and a dealer’s room selling books and other items. There are rooms for gaming, crafting or just chilling out. Events range from serious science to the very silly indeed! Come and join us